
Summer Reading w/Beanstack

Whew! In less than 2 weeks, I will begin enjoying my much deserved SUMMER BREAK! My website will be on hiatus, unless something EXTRAORDINARY happens! But before I go, I want to share how we will prevent the "summer slide" in reading. Please check out Beanstack , as my district will use this to track our summer reading goals. There are more details located in this newsletter below: Summer Send-Off Newsletter by Jean Darnell

Ontario Tech University

Well, well, seems my friends in Canada appreciate me. 😂 In all seriousness though, THANK YOU to the Mitch and Leslie Frazer School of Education for Ontario Tech University for the opportunity to present to their faculty and students via their AI in Education Conference last night. It was a wonderful opportunity to engage the viewing audience on how I incorporated "investigative journalism" into understanding and creating AI policies. In case you missed the opportunity, here's a video recap: And because I love my viewing audience, here's a copy of my slides presentation: P.S. If you enjoyed this video, then please reach out to me via email or my LinkTree information in the upper left corner, just below my picture. You'll also find my prices for consultant work . I'd be happy to coach your campus or staff on incorporating AI into your educational systems. I'm ready to share the knowledge and my expertise at making learning fun and

Decloaking Wakanda: Lesson Collaboration

If you attended our Texas Library Association's Decloaking Wakanda: Creating Space for BIPOC Nerds, then here's our collaboration Wakelet for creating "comic themed ideas" in your library. This QR code will take you to the Wakelet to add your information. And because I'm an AI nerd, please take a look at this Microsoft Image Generator in the style of Black Panther's Wakanda! Here are my beloved results: you perfer me as Black Panther in Charlie Brown style??😂 Regardless, here's a free bookmark! Decloaking Wakanda Bkmark by Jean Darnell We began with a "Wakanda Forever" salute, and we must end with a new addtion: #TXLA24 Wakanda Forever Salute!!! WAKANDA FOREVER!!! via GIPHY P.S. Please give my son some love because he etched out this picture of Black Panther (still in progress) for art class and I think he's doing a fine job! 🥰

April is LIBRARY month!

Hey Y'all, We made it to April! I promise that this newsletter is less ADVOCACY and more light-hearted fun compared to last year's newsletter . The content is still relevant, so please take a look. I've had a busy year advocating for libraries as the 2023-24 Intellectual Freedom Chairperson. Plus, I've invested in myself this year, regarding teaching other educators how to EMBRACE and ELICIT some of the traits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) . I'll be presenting at the end of the month in Ontario, CA about the wonders of AI and how educators can use it to an advantage in their classrooms. In doing my research, I found these statistics alarming: This data tells me that I have A LOT of work to do in order to bring folks into the "Age of AI Enlightenment!" Stay tuned...😅 Until then, please enjoy this newletter below, click here , if you prefer the PDF. April 2024 School Librarian by Jean Darnell P.S. I just recently learned this AI D

Tackling Online Disinhibition Effect for Teens

Hey y'all. I've done some digging into our internet behaviors and how AI is learning our behavior online. Introducing Online Disinhibition Effect (ODE) , which in a nutshell is how differently we behave ONLINE versus IN REAL LIFE. Here's a more formal definition . Or you can watch the video below, as it's quite informative. Have you ever said something to a stranger online that you wouldn’t IRL? It could be because of the Online Disinhibition Effect. Find out more in this lesson + #AbovetheNoise video by @KQEDedspace for 11th graders. #K12 #digcit — Common Sense Education (@CommonSenseEd) September 11, 2019 Part of my role as a librarian is to offer resources and lesson ideas as it relates to digital citizenship and online behaviors. This is the reason why I chose ODE to investigate. Online coversations are different from direct, face-to-face conversation in the following ways: 1. You can SEE each other

"AI in Our Community"

Hey y'all! Today went well for the Lunch and Learn with ITRT and Awaken Librarian! We more than doubled our usual attendance, which I THANK YOU for being so supportive. If you weren't able to make the LIVE session, then guess what?? I've a recording below. 🤩 Though this was a quick luncheon introduction. I will present a longer, in person session this summer July 24-27th in New Orleans at the 12th National Conference for African American Librarians! We'll have some hands-on activity and a deeper dive into the content. You can register here or reach out to me via email and we can discuss bringing this session to your campus!

Black Musicians: Their Influence on ALL Genres of Music

Happy Valentines, Galentines and Palentines, my friends! 🌹 From the newsletter in my last post, I wanted to show what where doing with the influence of Black musicians on all types of music. I mean, if you don't know already... THE Beyoncé crossed over into the country genre . Here's our lesson: Here's our Padlet screenshot: *My apologies, but to protect my students, I'm not linking to it and blurred their names on the pic above.* Here's a video of the kids demonstrating their RHYTHM, MATHEMATICAL COUNTING and LISTENING COMPREHENSION: Here's our little Snakelets (our mascot is a Diamondback Rattlesnake) doing the research: As a bonus, here's a link to some Black History Month Biography Trading Cards , as well as some AI Generated African Elegance Fashion : View this post on Instagram A post shared by Malik Afegbua (@slickcityceo) 🌹❤️💋