Flip Quiz: the INSTANT game-board for everyone!

It's been a while since I posted, I've been super busy getting ready for the Texas Library Association Conference coming up next month! And, we have an announcement... I AM THE WINNER OF THE TEXAS LIBRARY ASSOCIATION BLACK CAUCUS SCHOLARSHIP!!!! Can we say "uber" excited??? Thank you to the TLA Black Caucus Committee , especially Ms. Kimberly Gay ! Now to the new tech tip I discovered! FlipQuiz is a SUPER easy way to create a game board! Oh Lord, where was this app a few years ago when I had a Jeopardy Game over Cantebury Tales for my high school seniors? Nevertheless, I created a new game board in a matter of minutes. It's great for book reviews, STAAR test preparation (Texas' Standardized Test) and just about anything you can think of. You're allowed to create hyperlinks inside the game-board, which makes for an excellent manner for students to cite their sources. Anyone for an interactive research project? Here's a quick game that I cr...