
Showing posts from October 25, 2015

Broadcast Media Team/#SnapShotDay2015

So in tribute to T exas Library Association's Snap-Shot Day 2015 , I created a "Library of Gloom" video for Halloween: AND, to be more professional, I've show-cased what I do during my conference period: RUN THE MORNING BROADCAST! I've embraced the role of Broadcast Media Team (BMT) Leader in efforts to better promote library initiatives and coach the students that truly want to go into the field. We have a team of 4th graders (Tuesday/Thursday) and 5th graders (Monday, Wednesday & Friday). We're teaching them skills like how to angle the camera, switching viewing inputs from PC to camera to out in the classrooms, and of course, the major skill-set: SPEAKING ON LIVE TV ! My district has an excellent layout for creating a broadcast team. Check out these helpful tips ! The students enjoy it so much so that they argue, rationally , over who gets to anchor the broadcast and why. I love their constructive criticism and feedback! I call them my "