Beautiful Blackbird by Ashley Bryan

GLEC-PVA Library has chosen Ashley Bryan , 2004 CSK Illustrator Award winner and brilliant artist, film-maker and storyteller for our "Author of the Month!" Without giving away, much of the plot, this wonderful read discusses the theme of being true to yourself, loving the unique features of you and how to handle the inevitable jealousy/envy that pops up in life. Though it's an adaptation of a Zambian folktale, this book has a universal theme of "wonderfully me." Additionally, this book would work well for those kiddos that don't feel like they fit in with the popular crowd: “Color on the outside is not what’s on the inside.” Beautiful Blackbird encompasses timeless themes for those young and old! What touched my heart were the reflections of my "lunch-bunch" Blerd Book Club . We made a little podcast of our debriefing discussion. Please enjoy my very first PODCAST! For my younger kids (grades 2nd-4th), we kept the lesson simple w...