Happy Digital Learning Day! If you didn't know, you need to get on board: #DLDay ! As you may know I'm a self-branded #SocialMediaLibrarian! I participate in a variety of #PLN chats and am a fierce advocate for the "growth mindset" for professionals! Every week, like clock work, I set reminders in my smart-phone to drop everything and "better me" by learning from others! It's sounds cheesy, but it's the gospel truth! :) I've often wondered the effects of my tweets and Twitter Analytics has answered the call! Here's a snap-shot of my Twitter Analytics (my specific results) : Thanks to Stony Evans for sharing "Why You Should Add Twitter Analytics to Your Library Statistical Reports!" Stony, you just "wrapped up with a bow" my rationale as to why participating in Twitter Chats (Go Team #txlchat !) should be applied to my professional development hours for my district/state requirements! :) Here's a little s