Banned Books Week Sept 18-24th!

Nothing like being banned to help a teenager select a worthy book to read!!! :) I'm not saying that I do my part in ensuring students have books that they WANT to read but...I promise you and my kids, they will read stories about them, their lives and whatever other reflection they need to guide and govern themselves with intellectual freedom! For those of us librarians in Texas, we've been ordered and CENSORED by the GOP party/Govenor of certain Texans to remove 850 books. Never mind the mindset of "putting kids first" and "diversity is the fabric of life," books that represent all Texans are being pulled from the shelves . But guess what? My hometown, the Bayou City of Houston, TX is on to these suckers. To read more excerpts, click here . Or if you want to hear more of my thoughts on this scandulous, trumped up foolishness, then by all means, here you go . P.S.A.: The truth doesn't have to censor, hide or deny its mission. Having said ...