April's Here!! Time to Hug Your Favorite Librarian!

I'm excited to share what's going on this month in the library. Yes, the newsletter below is a "call to action," but even more importantly, it's time to love your librarian! If People Magazine can celebrate our 2 AWESOME Texas Librarians (Yay, Carolyn and Becky!) making strides to keep students at the center of their book-choice selections for their own development and curiosities regarding their love of reading, then so can you! Meet all of the Texas Librarians you can this month at the Texas Library Association's Annual Conference in Austin , April 19-22, 2023. I'll be there interacting and uplifting as many of us as I can.💜 Within this newsletter you'll find all sorts of goodies from the wonders of AI (which I used to create this nifty, alter ego version of me ABOVE ☝🏾⏫☝🏾 ) to the actions you can take to speak-up about your LOVE for the library. Yes, it's a wee-bit long, but it's OUR LIBRARY MONTH, and everything is on the line in ...