Thing 7: Tagging

So, I've learned the importance of TAGGING to get more traffic to your blog from this great site called Technorati!

It's vital to know the key words one needs to input in order to increase output! (Economics 101, anyone?) Therefore, I've included the following paragraph to get more traffic to my website (see if you can figure out the TAG words):

I've recently taken to the SOCIAL MEDIA of BLOGGING. This VIRTUAL expression of my NERD -like opinions and E LEARNING has changed my mindset on the power of exposure, OVER EXPOSURE (Justin Beiber, anyone?) and other trendy fads. In this MOBILE world, always being LINKEDIN and technically tuned is another integral form of communication. Whether I blog about RACIAL STEREOPTYPES, WINE-MAKING, or the latest hot destination from a TRAVEL article, if I post it or blog about it someone will find it. That's why you should tread softly on what you post. Your employer or potential employer will Google you and what you write in your blog, may be TAGGED and associated with something you had no intentions of being associated with!

I'll post back and see if any of those tags worked! :)



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