It's finally here!!! The week where I can be an ABSOLUTE, CORRUPT AND BANNED READER and relish the thought of it! Plus, the entire federation of sassy and classy librarians HAVE MY BACK!

There's so much I want to post about this topic-everything from pictures to articles and please don't forget my twitter page: where I've posted all types of articles on this wonder week of rebellion! See my collection below and please enjoy!

American Library Association's Promotion of Reading Banned Books 2013!

New York Public Library's Banned Article-"Fight for Your Right to Read: Banned Books Week 2013"

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)-How LGBT Families Are Still the Target of Banned Books?!!!

Huffington Post's
"7 Reasons Why Your Favorite Books Were Banned"

Pinterest Banned Book Poem: "Are You There God?"

11 Quotes on Censorship from

Banned Books Week Hero Tony Diaz on his trip to Librotraficante

Thank you Magpie Librarian for the pictures! You did a fantastic job!


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