Finding a New Favorite: Vanessa Brantley-Newton!

Just like Oprah, I love it when I find a NEW FAVORITE THING! At the moment it just so happens to be Vanessa Brantley-Newton, illustrator extraordinaire!

Why do I love her? Because she's doing what I wish my hands would've done better than writing...drawing!

Why should you care? Well, more than likely if you're reading my blog, then you're a bibliophile! Brantley-Newton is getting my kiddos--minority and not--to see DIVERSELY when it comes to illustrating books! And, there's nothing wrong with that!

Feel free to use this cute trailer based on samples from the book:

The Hula-hoopin' Queen from AwakenLibrarian on Vimeo.

Here's my review that includes her vibrant and diverse illustrations! The Hula-Hoopin' QueenThe Hula-Hoopin' Queen by Thelma Lynne Godin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I LOVED THIS BOOK! Mainly because I considered myself the HHQ in my neighborhood! Don't ask me to do it anymore, for it's a hot mess! Kameeka and Jamara are typical "divas at hoopin" until they learn of the former queens on the block! What is truly enjoyable about this book, is that my reflection and my kiddos are reflected in this WONDERFUL read. My kids complained regularly about where were the books about "us" that's not so sad or about history? This is the answer AND diversity exemplified at its best! Bravo to the author Thelma Lynne Godin and Vanessa Brantley-Newton for a wonderful collaboration! This is a must read for urban schools because it's light-hearted fun, a strong model of quality urban life and a subtle lesson on morals and friendship! Please enjoy this book! Here's a free lesson suggestion, pair this up with physical education and have a "hoopin' contest" between students and staff...swish, swigggle, swiggle, swiggle!

View all my reviews

So dig-deeper into the world of Vanessa Brantley-Newton! I'm giving her my own "Duchess Seal of Approval!"Someone help me design a .gif icon for that, please! :)

BIG UPDATE! Vanessa LOVED the book trailer! Whew! I was worried! :) Check it out here:

A BIGGER UPDATE! Look at my babies "boogie" with their IMAGINARY hula-hoops! They give a whole new meaning to "hoopin' it!" I LOVE THEM!

Hula-Hoopin' Royalty from AwakenLibrarian on Vimeo.

And, she loved the Hula-Hoopin' Royalty video as well:

Here's an interview with Vanessa from Bee Me Books...


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