TCEA 17 as a Presenter

I'm very humbled to present to other librarians and tech enthusiast about how I use technology to advocate! Whether its blogging, tweeting or participating on various Facebook groups, (i.e. #FutureReadyLibrarians), Social Media is now a part of fibers. THANK YOU #TCEA17 for accepting my proposal and giving me to wondrous next working opportunity!

Here are some of the highlights thus far! And if you're here at TCEA, please stop by my session: Level 4, Room 15 at 2:30!

Here's an online survey that details the effects of social media for librarians! Thank you Zakir Hossain

Yes, that's me (above) standing next to a man holding a rattlesnake! Mind you rattlesnakes at the Capitol is just a friendly Texas greeting! Lol!

THE AFTERMATH...(my presentation feedback...) For those of you that needed the snapchat for libraries, here you go... A special thank you and shout-out to Nancy Jo Lambert! You've always welcomed/supported me and I thank you! Stay tuned as I'm in the midst of fun and certain there's more to discover!
Notice anybody familiar in the above photo??? Here's a bonus find regarding more on the advantages of social media: 10 Important Skills and Traits Your Social Media Manager Will Need in 2017! Enjoy! :)


  1. Thanks for the awesome presentation! I'm working on my masters and am graduating in May, so I'm trying to soak up as much learning while I can. I can't wait to start trying everything I learned! Thanks!

    1. You're absolutely welcome! I appreciate you taking the time to validate what we, as librarians, do. I wish you an abundance of luck as you embark on the wonderful world of librarianship! Please contact me if you should need anything! :)


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